So I started this ministry of encouragement to families and fathers, The Dad Story Project (which includes this website and a new book on Amazon) one month ago. Here’s the data so far: 1) books sold: 26, less than one a day; total earnings: $20.84 2) stories submitted to the website: only three. By any reasonable measure, this whole idea is an utter flop. Based only on raw data, it would be reasonable to determine that I cannot build a website that anyone cares to visit or write books that anyone wants to read. But I am not a reasonable man. God placed a calling on my heart to encourage dads over a decade ago: it’s His calling. He gave me the skills to build websites and write books: those are His gifts to me. He gave me a heart that weeps for the souls of men and families: that’s His empathy, not mine. He gave me the faith to watch Him and not results: that’s His faith. He fills my heart with joy and contentment and expectation and hope every day (regardless of circumstances): on my own I can’t conjure up any of that. I could go on and on, but you get the idea. So if I can trust God for the ministry idea itself, and for what it should be composed of, and how it should be put together and presented and marketed, then I can certainly trust God for the results, even if at first glance they appear to indicate failure. I am so thankful to God that success in His eyes and success in my (earthly) eyes are so very different. I put my trust in Him, regardless of what I see. Onward!!!

Cat book day 28